1. Eat healthier/exercise more – My NY
resolutions always have some liking to eating healthy and exercising. Although
I have every intention of living a “healthy” lifestyle, this resolution is to
serve my vanity – to have a banging bod.
2. Save and pay off debts
3. Start a company
4. Take more photos – Somewhere along
the way (between the ages 21-22) I stopped taking as many photos, so I am
committing to buying a fancy camera and taking at least one photo a day.
5. Donate blood
6. Do a good deed a day
7. Be decisive – I am one of those annoying
fence sitters, “I don’t mind”, wishy washy people. In 2014 I’m hoping off the
fence and choosing a side
So there is
my 2014 resolution list, a good mix of fun and responsible. I’m sure you’ll
read of my failures and triumphs throughout our blog. What’s on your list?
Ivy xx
Photo Cred:
1. Kayla Itsines – Instagram
2. Australian Red Cross
3. Lorna Jane – Instagram
4 & 5. Google Images
1. Kayla Itsines – Instagram
2. Australian Red Cross
3. Lorna Jane – Instagram
4 & 5. Google Images