Sunday, 12 January 2014

Rottnest - An Island full of Beaches, Babes and Bogans

Rottnest Island. For tourists it’s an environmentally friendly island 18km from Fremantle, WA, where you can explore the local inhabitant’s (quokkas, whales etc), learn the islands’ history and visit its 63 beaches on their bicycle. But for us locals it’s Rotto - a place to get tanned, get boozed and get friendly with the other tanned/boozed people.

As a part of my amazing Christmas present from Loan, she bought us a ticket to Rottnest just in time for the 44°c day. As soon as we hit the shores of the island we headed straight for the beach, but not before we were met with a lovely young man who screamed “Oi! Come sit with us darling” very charming!

As we shed our clothes and lay down our towels I forget how breathtaking this island is. With crystal blue water and fine white sand, it’s no wonder why over 500,000 people flock to this island each year.

- Snorkeling in the clear waters
- Hot sun to get our tan on
- Cute guys half naked

- Stingray swimming near us
- Dehydration 


Ivy x

Loan wears                                                                                            Ivy wears
Red Bathers: Lara Bingle for Cotton On Body                                
Black Bathers: Triangl Bathers
Glasses: Quayeyeware                                                                        
Glasses: Quayeyeware 

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Thanks for the comments you beautiful creatures

Ivy and Loan xx