Monday, 26 May 2014

Working at home VS working in an office

Working from home or in the office isn’t always as it seems, if we aren't in our Hunter-Rose office (aka home), Loan and I are at our office jobs. Let me take you through some of the pros and cons of either work place:

At Home
At Office
Waking up and getting ready for work
You can wake up and start work whenever it pleases you. Usually in the late morning and in pyjamas all day. Hamish and Andy have pants of Friday, I have pants off every day. 
The alarm goes off at 6:00am and you naturally press snooze for 30 minutes. You then have to rush your make-up application and outfit deciding because you didn’t leave enough time to get cute.
Loan wears
Top - General Pants and Co
Shorts - Sabo Skirt
Boots - Melbourne Markets
Necklace - Louisa
Social interaction
Unless you count fish or Facebook stalking as social interaction, you have virtually none working from home. 
Your office co-workers often become an extended family; you know of any family troubles, hot dates or disgusting ailments. Most importantly you bond over the creepy co-worker or the lady in the back with the plumbers crack.
In theory you can adjust the temperature as you please, but in reality having the aircon or heater on is damn expensive so your either wearing 14 layers of clothing or nothing at all.
You will always fall under the one of the two catergories: your either freezing cold or boiling hot. There is never a happy temperature in the office.
Ivy wears
Top - General Pants and Co
Tights - Topshop
Jumper - H&M
Boots - Steve Madden
Glasses - Mink Pink

You have the freedom to do your business when the urge hits.
You build strategies around avoiding hearing your co-worker poo or even worse, them hearing you! Time it perfectly and have the toilets to yourself or if you're caught mid-poop you can do the old add a little toilet paper to soften the plop.
Loan wears
Top - Forever 21
Skirt - Topshop
Flats - Dotti
Diet (or lack there of)
You eat all of last nights left overs, any traces of the last Easter's eggs and Nutri-Grain form the box and then you think “whats for lunch?”
It’s apparently someone’s birthday every day in the office, which means cookies, cupcakes, cakes and chocolate.
Ivy wears
Dress - Zara
Shoes - Betts
Bag - Chanel
It’s the simple things that matter...
Any form of human interaction will have you in a frenzy. The delivery man is now your bestie and even the door knockers avoid your house.
You hold tightly on to casual Friday, morning stretches or even lunch because the small things make you irrationally happy.
Work hours and payday
There are no structured work hours so you can potentially work through to 3am the next morning. All without getting paid of course, because you are your own boss and your boss is a slave driver.
Your standard 9-5 day, 5 days a week and paid weekly. It’s reliable and mundane.

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Ivy and Loan xx